Images from Compo Clues Article 2

GIF Versions

fig1.gif - 28Kb
N.B. The above image has been scaled down to 75 percent of the original size.

fig2.gif - 1223 bytes  fig3.gif - 1270 bytes
The above come from PNGs which have graded transparency. Here I have displayed them on the Compo canvas with a deliberately glaring background colour and exported as GIFs with no mask to show up the transluscency in browsers that can't display PNGs correctly.

fig4.gif - 93Kb
Above reduced to 75 percent size.

fig5.gif - 43Kb
Above is a GIF so, although dithered, lacks the colour depth of the PNG original.

fig9.gif - 43Kb
Again, a GIF so some of the colour depth is lost.

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